Championing Clean Air and Community Support

Discover Our Mission to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Empower Fundraising for Meaningful Causes

Protecting Our Children's Health

Our commitment to clean air is driven by the understanding that children’s well-being is paramount. Dr. Bertrina Scott, a representative of our organization, shares crucial insights into the impact of indoor air quality on children:


Prioritizing Children's Health: The Hidden Dangers of Indoor Air Pollution

Our children’s well-being is a priority, and anything that limits and threatens their development should be taken seriously. A threat that many people may not think about is indoor air pollution. Indoor air is contaminated by very small particles that have the potential to endanger children’s current and future functioning. Children spend approximately 65-90% of their time indoors, with a large portion of that in school. They are among the groups who can be disproportionately impacted by many indoor air contaminants for three main reasons:

1. Developing Airways

Their airways are small and still developing.

2. Higher Breathing Rates

They breathe faster than adults and a larger volume of air relative to adults.

3. Immature Defenses

The body’s defenses that help adults fight off infections are not mature enough to protect children against dangerous exposure to indoor air pollution.

Impact of Poor Indoor Air Quality on Children's Health

Poor indoor air quality (IAQ) has been shown to be an important determinant of respiratory health, leaving children vulnerable to severe respiratory illnesses like asthma, allergies, and bronchitis. Children who are regularly exposed to indoor air pollution experience more headaches, drowsiness, and concentration loss than those who live and are educated in less polluted environments. The health effects from indoor air pollutants may be experienced soon after exposure, or possibly years later, which can put children at risk for adult chronic diseases. Additionally, contaminated indoor air negatively impacts children’s neurodevelopmental competencies, including attention, memory, and communication ability—all of which are essential for learning and academic performance.

How CLEER Filters Improve Indoor Air Quality and Learning Environments

CLEER filters trap and remove harmful particles from the air, preventing substances like bacteria, viruses, mold, dust, and pollen from accumulating in indoor air. By blocking and catching these small contaminants, our filters make air healthier to breathe. Upgrading to CLEER filters in child care facilities and schools helps to create environments conducive to learning without compromising the integrity of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems.

Join Us

Join us on our journey to achieve cleaner air for all and make a positive impact on your community. Experience the CLEER difference today and enjoy the benefits of a healthier, fresher indoor environment while supporting causes you care about.

Our Solutions

Our extensive range of filters is designed to capture and remove harmful particles, ensuring the air you breathe is free from contaminants. From residential to commercial applications, CLEER offers a diverse selection of filters that meet the highest industry standards.

Commitment to Sustainability

At CLEER, we understand the importance of sustainability. We integrate eco-friendly practices into our manufacturing process to minimize our environmental footprint and contribute to a greener future.

Fundraising with CLEER

Through our unique fundraising model, every CLEER filter purchase supports various causes. For each filter sold, a portion of the revenue goes directly to your chosen organization, helping to fund programs and initiatives that matter most to you. Whether it’s supporting schools, sports teams, or community projects, CLEER makes it easy to contribute to a better future.

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